What is Timbercrete?
- Timbercrete is a multi-award winning and environmentally sustainable masonry building product. We manufacture Bricks, Blocks, Panel’s Pavers and Cladding.
- All our products are typically larger and lighter than alternative construction materials.
- Timbercrete is a hybrid blend of natural organic material combined with masonry binders.
- Timbercrete combines the structural qualities of masonry with the resilient qualities of timber. “Timbercrete”.
Our multi-award-winning product has been used throughout the world in domestic, industrial, commercial and landscape applications.
Why choose us?
- Timbercrete’s thermal insulation properties out-perform all other higher density masonry products. Our premium range “Super Insulated Series Block” outperforms every other wall system on the market. This product uniquely combines a workable thermal mass with ultra-high insulation.
- It’s made from timber waste products and actually traps the carbon that would otherwise end up as greenhouse gas. Timbercrete is a carbon sink.
- You will always save energy for heating and cooling, when choosing Timbercrete over more highly dense products such as; concrete, clay fired brick or mud brick.
- Timbercrete has good acoustic qualities preventing sound transference and can be augmented with sound absorbing material.
- Timbercrete blocks offer the highest possible fire resistance in Australia. (FRL 240/240/240)
- It’s impervious to termites and rot.
- Timbercrete is bulletproof even when fired at with a 50 calibre armour piercing bullet.
- Timbercrete can be nailed, screwed into and cut just like timber. No other masonry product can be directly nailed and screwed into without pre-drilling like Timbercrete.
Timbercrete is proudly Australian owned, with several of our products being granted local and international patents. It has trademark protection.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is Timbercrete® made from?
Timbercrete® is a unique blend of cellulose, cement, sand, and binders to enhance block strength and stop excessive water penetration.
Will Timbercrete be accepted by my local council?
Yes, because Timbercrete has been tested according to Australian building codes AS/NZ 3700. The method for building with Timbercrete is the same as other masonry products and conforms to the methodology taught in the BCA and is therefore “deemed to comply.”
If I build my house out of Timbercrete how long will the bricks last?
In its typical application such as a house, we confidently expect that Timbercrete will last hundreds, if not thousands of years. Based on the evidence of ancient cement stabilised blocks with added straw, some of which exceed 1000 years old and many of which are still in excellent condition, there is no reason to expect that Timbercrete using 21st-century technology with sophisticated admixtures, will not outlast the more primitive counterpart, that used a cellulose product (straw). Straw is far more susceptible to breaking down then the type of cellulose product Timbercrete selects such as granulated timbers and the like. Timbercrete and its ancient counterpart encapsulate the cellulose product in a cementitious tomb mummifying and preserving the organic material which prevents it from breaking down.
Due to the fact that Timbercrete does not contain any steel reinforcing such as concrete, we expect our product to be around long after steel reinforced concrete structures fail as a result of ‘concrete cancer’.
Due to the fact that Timbercrete does not contain any steel reinforcing such as concrete, we expect our product to be around long after steel reinforced concrete structures fail as a result of ‘concrete cancer’.
How much will it cost to build my home from Timbercrete?
Building with Timbercrete is usually similarly priced to building with brick veneer, yet more insulated, fire-proof, sound-proof and economically friendly. Savings will vary depending on the specifications of your home. For example, with Timbercrete “single skin” walls, skirtings, architraves, insulation, gyprock, paint etc are unnecessary extras.
What style of house can I build with Timbercrete®?
With Timbercrete’s unique qualities and the flexibility to design your own block, you can build any style, size and type of house, with any construction method. Timbercrete can also be used for commercial constructions – eg. motels, wineries, public buildings or basically anything you can think of.
While Timbercrete is particularly cost effective when used as a “single skin” wall construction, we also offer special block sizes that allow you to build a conventional “brick veneer” or “full brick” home, but substituting Timbercrete for the traditional bricks. Please visit our website Gallery for ideas.
While Timbercrete is particularly cost effective when used as a “single skin” wall construction, we also offer special block sizes that allow you to build a conventional “brick veneer” or “full brick” home, but substituting Timbercrete for the traditional bricks. Please visit our website Gallery for ideas.
Can I lay the blocks myself?
Timbercrete® blocks are easy to lay and very forgiving compared to traditional mass produced (angular) bricks and blocks. In many cases a meticulous amateur will produce a better result than a sloppy professional.
Will Timbercrete® fade?
Timbercrete® will not fade because the colour reflects the carefully selected raw ingredients.
What is the availability of Timbercrete®?
Your nearest accredited Timbercrete representative will provide you with current cost and availability information. Please see the “Contact Us” section for a listing.